The Business That Saved Christmas: How Malls Helped Topple Communism

In the center of a bustling Christmas market on one of Warsaw’s busiest streets, in the heart of Warsaw, a young woman is selling homemade jewelry. As she approaches customers, her white-haired father patiently waits nearby. He has been “selling” these toil-intensive pieces of jewelry for more than two decades – an entire lifetime in many cases – and his daughter is following in his footsteps.

What is a Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was a country that was ruled by the Communist Party. The Communist Party controlled everything in the Soviet Union and it was a very strict society. In spite of this, there were some people that were able to make a living in the Soviet Union. One of these businesses was the mall.

Malls were popular in the Soviet Union because they allowed people to escape the strict rules of the Communist Party. Mall shoppers could purchase items that were not allowed in everyday life. This allowed people to have some fun and relieve some of the stress of living in a controlled society.

Malls also played an important role in helping to overthrow the Soviet Union. In 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union and he wanted to change the way that the country was run. Gorbachev believed that the Soviet Union was no longer successful and he wanted to make changes. One of Gorbachev's main goals was to improve relations with other countries and he believed that this could be done by opening up the Soviet Union to commerce.

Gorbachev decided to open up the Soviet Union to malls and this helped to break down barriers between different parts of society. This allowed people to start thinking outside of the box

What was the Communist Party's Impact on Society?

The Communist Party was a major instigator of human rights abuse and repression during its time in power. In particular, the Party sought to quash any expressions of religious or cultural traditions that differed from its own. This led to a number of oppressive measures being put in place, such as bans on private ownership of property and restrictions on freedom of expression.

Despite this, the Party was not solely responsible for the decline and fall of communism in Europe and the rest of the world. The economic decline that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union saw many people abandon socialism in favor of more market-based economies. This shift left the Communist Party with little support, and by 1991 it had been effectively disbanded.

Capitalism and Communism

Malls were instrumental in the downfall of communism. By providing a place for people to gather and exchange ideas, malls helped to undermine the government's control over the population. Additionally, by selling products that were unavailable in communist countries, malls helped to generate an entrepreneurial spirit within the population. Ultimately, these factors combined to bring about the collapse of communism in Europe and elsewhere.

The Rise of the Mall

The business that saved Christmas: malls helped to topple communism.

In the early days of the Cold War, American shoppers had a lot to choose from when it came to shopping. There were no superstores like there are today, and most people had to travel great distances just to buy what they needed. In order to compete with the Soviet Union, American merchants started opening up large, multi-floor retail centers called malls. These stores offered a wide variety of products in one place, making it easier for consumers to find what they wanted.

Malls also served as an important way for American businesses to reach a large audience. By partnering with mall operators, these companies were able to open up many stores across the country. This gave them a major advantage over their competitors in the Soviet Union, who had few outlets available to them. As a result, malls helped to pave the way for capitalism and freedom in the Cold War era.


The business of malls played a significant role in the fall of communism throughout the Eastern Bloc. In fact, it is said that without malls and their accompanying consumerism, the entire collapse would have been much more difficult to achieve. By providing people with affordable access to high-quality products and services, malls helped to break down the barriers between East and West and paved the way for revolutions that eventually toppled communist regimes across Europe. Thanks, mall!


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